Monday, 21 June 2010

int main() { printf("hello, world"); return 0; }

This is my first attempt at a library blog. I am a 26-year old ILS graduate, currently doing an "unqualified" library assistant job in a public library in South London (hence the blog title). Obviously, my initial career plan involves getting a professional post (at 26, the word "career" still sends slight shivers up my spine), although I am seemingly reluctant to leave where I am now and the dubious prospects of career development. People always seem a bit surprised when I tell them where I work, and similarly people I meet through work are surprised to find out I hold a professional qualification. As a young male languishing somewhere near the bottom rung of the ILS chain of command, perhaps I have a moderatly interesting take on industry goings-on, government shenanigans and everyday comings and goings in our little corner of South-West London. My particular interests include: Social media, "Library 2.0", knowledge management, graphic/display design, e-literacy, adult and community education, american literature.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there - Spotted your post on the website. Which library is it you work for? We're looking to get other libraries on board to put on more gigs and it would be great to see if there's anything down that way that we could use!
